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    Fastener Fair Italy 2024

    Fastener Fair Italy 2024

    Hello! We are delighted to invite you to an exciting event.

    Fastener Fair Italy 2024 promises to be a remarkable platform for connecting industry professionals, suppliers, and manufacturers in the fastening and fixing industry. The event will showcase cutting-edge technologies, innovative products, and collaborative opportunities in the fastener sector.

    As an exhibitor, Joker Industrial Co., Ltd. is excited to invite you to visit our booth. Our experienced team will be present to showcase our comprehensive range of high-quality fasteners and provide valuable insights into our products and services. We believe this event will offer a valuable opportunity to establish new business partnerships and strengthen existing relationships.

    Please join us at Fastener Fair Italy 2024 to explore the latest trends, network with industry experts, and witness groundbreaking innovations in the fastening industry.

    Time: 29-30 October,2024

    At CityLife – Allianz MiCo, Italy.


    Fastener Fair Itlay

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